Students must complete 4 classes in a pathway to be considered a "Completer" and Transition-Ready.
automation engineering
This pathway prepares individuals to apply scientific and mathematical principles to the design, development, and implementation of automated and robotic systems. The pathway includes instruction in materials science and engineering, manufacturing processes, process engineering, assembly and product engineering, robotic systems design, and manufacturing competitiveness. Automation Engineers plan the practices of manufacturing by researching and developing tools, processes, machines, and equipment to integrate the facilities and systems for producing quality products with the optimal expenditure of capital.
Choose 2
• 210221 Engineering I
• 210222 Engineering II
Choose 2
• 210238 Robotics Engineering​
• 210225 Manufacturing Engineering
• 210239 Robotics Automation & Design
• 110711 AP Computer Science Principles
• 110701 AP Computer Science A
• 210117 Advanced Design Applications
• 210330 Engineering Co-op (WBL approval required)
This pathway provides the opportunity to blend Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses with Engineering courses to help students apply technical skills along with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) skills to solve real-world problems. Design Engineers have a working knowledge of mechanical parts as well as computer-aided design (CAD) software such as AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, or Solidworks. Mechanical designers begin a project by meeting with project manager, engineers, and clients to understand the needs and requirements for a new product or mechanical system. For example, designers working on a project to create an automobile engine may consult engineers regarding which structural materials to use or clients regarding engine efficiency requirements. Once materials and specifications have been determined, designers begin using CAD (computer-aided design) software to plan and develop models.
Choose 2
• 210221 Engineering I
• 210222 Engineering II
• 210138 Technical Design I
Choose 2
• 332001 Introduction to 3D Printing Technology
• 480110 Introduction to Computer-Aided Drafting
• 480113 Engineering Graphics
• 480135 Mechanical Design
• 480136 Parametric Modeling
MECHANICAL engineering
This pathway prepares individuals to apply mathematical and scientific principles to the design, development and operational evaluation of physical systems used in manufacturing and end- product systems for specific uses including machine tools, jigs and other manufacturing equipment; stationary power units and appliances; engines; self-propelled vehicles; housings and containers; hydraulic and electric systems for controlling movement; and the integration of computers and remote control with operating systems. Mechanical Engineers design, develop, build, and test mechanical and thermal sensors and devices including tools, engines, and machines.
Choose 4
• 210221 Engineering I
• 210222 Engineering II
• 210238 Robotics Engineering​
• 332001 Introduction to 3D Printing Technology
• 110711 AP Computer Science Principles
• 110701 AP Computer Science A
480110 Introduction to Computer-Aided Drafting
industry certifications
SolidWorks CSWA (Certified SolidWorks Associate)
AutoDesk AutoCAD Certified User
AutoDesk Inventor Certified User
AutoDesk Revit Certified User
AutoDesk Fusion360 Certified User
Fanuc Nocti Robotics Certification(Coming soon)