Students must complete 4 classes in a pathway to be considered a "Completer" and Transition-Ready.
industrial electrician assistant
cip 46.0302.02
This pathway prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to install, operate, maintain, and repair electric apparatus and systems in residential, commercial, and industrial electric-power wiring, DC and AC motors controls, and electrical distribution panels. The pathway includes instruction in the principles of electronics and electrical systems, wiring, power transmission, safety, industrial and household appliances, job estimation, electrical inspecting and inspection, and applicable codes and standards. Instruction includes the principles of electronics and electrical systems, wiring, power transmission, safety industrial and household appliances, job estimation, electrical testing and inspection, and applicable codes and standards.
Complete four credits:
460312 Electrical Construction I
460316 Circuits I
460331 Electrical Motor Controls
460325 Rotating Machinery Electrical Motor Controls
skilled trades construction electrical TRACK pre-apprenticeship
cip 46.0302.99
The Skilled Trades Electrical TRACK is designed as a pre-apprenticeship pathway for students to have the opportunity to enter a postsecondary Registered Apprenticeship training program after graduation while still potentially earning credit for classes taken that relate to the apprenticeship. Students must successfully complete the four-course sequence. In addition, students must take either the eight safety modules Kentucky Labor Cabinet Training Modules or the OSHA 10 or 30. In addition, each student must pass the end-of-program assessment. Students are to be enrolled in the pathway in TEDS and adhere to deadlines for TEDS and for CTE End of Program (EOP) assessments. Upon completion, the student will receive a pre-apprenticeship industry certification issued by the Kentucky Division of Apprenticeship by submitting a transcript and this form: Skilled Trades Completion Form. This certification will be recognized by participating partners for an interview and possible credit upon acceptance. Credit is at the discretion of the training organization.
Complete four credits:
460312 Electrical Construction I
460313 Electrical Construction II
460316 Circuits I
460319 Circuits II or 460331 Electrical Motor Controls
Both courses meet the criteria for the Work Ready Scholarship.
SKYCTC EET 154/155 & ELT 110 - Must be at least a sophomore and meet SKYCTC admission requirements.